About Us

Nature.In aims to re-connect people to nature by bringing the outside indoors, focusing on hospitality venues. This is to be achieved through developing natural events, experiences and designs that develop 1-1 personal connections to nature through evoking the senses and allowing individuals to experience the health benefits of interacting with nature. These benefits include reduced stress and anxiety, creating clarity of mind and increased creativity; which are confirmed by a multitude of academic studies.

Hospitality is targeted due to these being spaces frequented by many on a regular basis, alongside the vast rise is sustainability conscious venues with green goals to meet and the hospitality industry having been hit so hard by the pandemic. Therefore, Nature.In creates new engaging and dynamic ways to attract customers through applications of nature. Applications of nature are designed to improve an individuals’ personal connection to nature, without causing an upheaval of the space, such as having to close for refurbishment and ultimately that refurbishment would have to be revisited and updated in 5 years time.