To help define the parameters of the change I wish to see, I created a type of Venn diagram to showcase the different aspects I wish to explore around my question and to hopefully narrow in the focus of my change.
The Venn diagram is split into 4 sections, the left and right circles showcasing the 2 halves of my question. The first half being around types of natural structures and the second being around social interactions around food. The other 2 sections demonstrate the very rough arena for the question to be introduced, being spaces in which food is consumed. The final section outlines the current reasonings behind why nature isn’t already intrinsically incorporated into the built environment; which seems almost bizarre given all my research suggest there is such an innate need for humans to be with nature. Outlining these obstacles to intrinsically incorporating nature into the built environment was done to identify what needs to be overcome by my proposed change in order for it to be successful.
The writing around the 4 circle sections, showcases the key thinking around each of those ideas and is grouped accordingly to each section.

Reflection: From this diagram I will explore all of the thoughts raised further and move to identifying the precise change I wish to see; alongside the arena for the change to be introduced into as well as the stakeholders involved in making this change.