Day 2 – Immersive Natural Event

Thanks fully CSM reopened today so I was able to conduct my event! The start of the event was very slow as the canteen was empty expect for 2/3 people until around 12:30pm. 


Today I pinned the sheet up higher to hide as much of the purple border as possible. I also pinned up some of my sheets to write on the encourage people to come up and write ideas down, and this also helped to cover more of the purple board.

The light on the projection was still a big issue today. I feel that having moved the event to CSM so last minute this was a factor I overlooked slightly and it has really impacted the effect my event could have had.

Engagement With Stakeholders

  • performance arts student – using the rave scene as a method of communication for integrating cultures loves the projections of nature and thinking of it in that way – wants to look to collaborate to utilise similar scale de in her work – but she is less focused on sustainability and nature 
  • Industrial designer student- wants to get in touch about collaborations, loved thinking how to fuse ideas of nature and humans together in the city space, really enjoyed watching the projections as she ate. She also recommends i look into the artist – Moon Ribas who exhibits how earthquakes impact humans through movement and dancing. 
  • narrative environments student- really interested in my project, she looks at how to communicate stories in a new way and environment. Her friend on her course is really interested in bringing nature and forests to people after covid with people still staying in she wants them to get outside and so she is going to pass my email onto her friend to look at working together in the future! She also really enjoyed the wind noise as she felt it made her really feel like she was in the space.



  • Good meaningful conversations with the participants I did interact with which can be followed up to lead to collaborations and their contributions to the online community.
  • I went round and started to hand out bookmarks with QR codes on to google forms of the questions and this enlisted some responses. In hindsight, I should have done this sooner rather than trying to speak to people on an individual basis that they were apprehensive might take up a lot of their time. Handing out the bookmarks so they could complete the question whilst they viewed the event in their own time was a much better idea.


Many people sat eating sat to face and watch the video, suggesting they were intrigued by the event, but that was the extent of their interaction with the event.


  • The location. The canteen was too noisy and bright with people focused on having a quick lunch and a chat that interacting with the event. This type of event possibly suits more passers-by or exhibit-style events rather than a space where everyone has ulterior motives for their use of time in the space. 
  • Writing on the sheets had low uptake.


I had positive feedback on the content and mission of the event, so I feel something similar could work effectively if utilised under a different setting. Possibly a projection event could work as part of an exhibit, or in a space with footfall (but not too light/ lights on!) 

I had some really interesting conversations with the participants that did engage with the event. I have the contact details for the vast majority of these participants and I plan to reach out to them all to get involved in the community and collaborate in the future.

Key takeaway – I was able to connect with many up and coming professionals within the design industry in a vast range of fields that were interested in learning how to bring nature into city space through their work.


Please see link to google drive below containing images and videos of the event:

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