From the advise of my tutor, David, I started addressing the task of Project 5 by first identifying the rough change I wish to see; and once that is identified I can move onto defining the arena for the change and the stakeholders involved.
When looking to outline precisely the change I wish to see I developed the mind map shown below.

From the process of this thinking I narrowed in on the type of change I am looking to see. This being behavioural changes in approaches to the incorporation of nature, specifically in hospitality spaces and with of focus of prompting social interactions to improve wellbeing.
Reflection: I initially set about thinking of this change as being prompted through the creation of a product. However, I am aware of the challenges associated with product design and the vast collaboration necessary, as I am not a materials expert nor an architect. Therefore, I am not ruling out the idea of product design completely, as if this becomes apparent as the most effective way to make change in my desired area I will of course take on that challenge. But, I am also keeping my thinking open to other ways of developing change such as possibly through a form of consultancy for hospitality spaces to intrinsically incorporate nature.