The above diagram displays the 3 key stakeholder groups I have identified to approach and engage in my project.
Over the past week I have been channelling the focus of my project into stakeholder engagement. I have been trying to identify the most appropriate experts in my field to work with to gain greater depth and meaning in my work; as well as to provide insights which I may have overlooked and fresh perspectives.
So far I have attempted to contact over 20 organisations, businesses and individuals to engage with my project. These stakeholders are predominantly in the hospitality business group of stakeholders and the industry experts group, including biophilic, biomimetic and environmental design experts . An array of some of the business I have contacts can be seen below. However, I assume to it having been the Easter bank holiday break in the UK and most of the stakeholders I have reached out to being in the UK, I am yet to gain a reply from the majority of these stakeholders. So far I have only managed to gain contact with Dr Nigel Oseland, an environmental psychologist from UCL and BOH LAB which is an architecture firm focusing on biophilic design and green construction. Very excitingly I have been able to arrange a meeting with Dr Oseland, but unfortunately this is unable to take place until the 12th April; and I am in the process of arranging a meeting with BOH LAB.

I will continue to reach out to more stakeholders over the coming days and remain hopeful for responses of those I have already contacted in the meantime. Additionally, I am going to try and engage with more of the customer/ consumer portion of my stakeholder group, as I am yet to explore this fully.