Over the past week my progress in securing a testing venue, as well as developing my online sharing group has been halted due to illness. However, over this time I tried to continue doing what I could to progress my project. This work partly resulted in developing a type of mood board in the form of collages to present my current trains of thought. The first of which you can see below.

I began making my first collage thinking about what it is that I perceive nature to be. I considered natural forms and the organic spirit that I feel fully encapsulates nature. From this line of thought the above collage resulted which I feel demonstrates nature in a variety of forms, but with the theme of organic, free forming and dynamic examples of the natural world.
After developing my first collage I reflected upon what I had created and this led me into thinking about how nature in typically expressed through art. I thought of the changes I have observed taking shape in how nature in expressed in art simply through my day to day life and so I researched further around this. I studied paintings of nature this being observational or abstract works, as well as sculptures positioned back in natural spaces such as parks. In this research and line of thinking I developed the collage you can see below. I then compared my findings of how I see nature to be raw, organic and evolving in my first collage and how many artist impressions of nature perhaps move away from this dynamic and organic way of the natural world, in my second collage.

Therefore, creating these collages helped me to refine and demonstrate the gap that I wish to target through applying technology to develop immersive, natural experiences through my project. I wish to bridge the gap between the raw natural world and the collective artists’ view of nature by creating a form of instillation that showcases the organic, dynamic way of nature and making this an immersive experience; but allowing people to observe and experience this in their own way. For instance, creating a large projection of nature accompanied by sounds and smells of that scene can help to present the raw forms of nature and evoke the senses in hospitality businesses, without physically being in nature. Such an experience will evoke the benefits of biophilic environments; whilst also being presented as an art instillation which moves the artist impression of nature to be a more immersive one which is closer to that of experiencing the natural world itself.