Overview of Confirmed Interventions

Possible interventions, yet to be confirmed:
- Looking to develop a way to utilise personal technology or technology that venues already host to connect people to nature in a meaningful way.
- Interventions in other hospitality venues – such as possibly the Marylebone Hotel, finding ways to connect people to nature that fits the ethos of the space but creates meaningful interacts and connection with nature.
Panel Discussions
Panel discussions, such as that which I hosted in June will be utilised to review the progress and findings of my interventions with experts. The discussion will also host a live audience where possible and will allow for meaningful discussion as to how to progress the interventions past the points of predictable and to fully meet the needs of the stakeholders in bringing nature into their lives. I am still in contact with the original members of the panel discussion and so I will ask if they are available to take part again. However, I will also reach out to new biophilic and hospitality experts to see if they wish to take part and add a new angle to the discussion.
Future Work with Chelsea Collage of Arts
The below email outlines my future ideas for interventions to work with the Chelsea Collage of Arts, all of which have now been agreed to by Dashnor (the head of catering). The first being the Herb Event running next week, followed by an intervention in the cafe area around the end of august and then a technobiophilic intervention in the canteen area in September once it is re-opened.

Online Sharing Group
I am looking to develop an online sharing group, where customers can share images of application of nature that they like or dislike accompanied with a short comment as to why they have this opinion. The group will be hosted on Facebook so that people can post their own images into it, but the best posts and ideas of what to post will be curated on Nature.In’s instagram page. I am looking to develop this group over the next week or so, so it can begin gaining traction and the ideas posted can be implemented into my interventions in hospitality spaces.
Interventions in Other Venues
I have a meeting with the head chef at the Marylebone Hotel on Thursday about possibly running some interventions in their space. This could be very exciting an interesting as it offers a more formal hospitality space to test my concepts in rather than then informal nature of the cafe and canteen space at Chelsea. If he is unable to assist in running an intervention at The Marylebone, I will also ask if he has any other contacts that may be interested in working on an intervention with me. So, hopefully further intervention possibilities may result from this meeting.
However, I am continuing in my outreach to hostility venues, pop-ups and events spaces to see if they would be interested in running interventions.
This is my overview plan for the coming months, as my works stands, however it is very susceptible to change as new opportunities arise. I am also still looking to create new interventions that feed off my pervious interventions to create more impactful iterations of them. I’m excited to have the wheels well and truly in motion for my project and I can’t wait to see how far I can take this work.