During the course of the independent study, my project has adapted and expanded slightly upon my initial broader thinking. However, the aims and goals of my work are still very much the same, so there have only been slight changes in the evolution of my question over the course of this work period, which can be seen below. I have kept the aspect of my question to be ‘hospitality businesses that serve food and drink’, because I still feel this best describes my target area as it removes other hospitality spaces such as hotel rooms from the project and focuses upon spaces like restaurants, pubs, bars, pop-ups, supper clubs etc.
Starting question at the beginning of the independent study:
How can nature be applied to hospitality businesses that serve food and drink to re-connect people with the natural world? ïƒ
Adaptations of Question:
How can natural designs, events and experiences introduced into hospitality spaces that serve food and drink improve customer’s connections to nature?
How can customers become connected to nature through visiting hospitality spaces that serve food and drink in cities?
How can customers become better connected to nature through visiting hospitality spaces that serve food and drink in cities?
Current question:

I wish to inspire change in approaches to nature, to allow for increased connections to nature through unique methods within hospitality settings.
I feel my question now better communicates the scale of my work, within busy cities such as London, to target those customers who are feeling disconnected from the natural world due to the city life. Therefore, bringing nature into spaces that they are already frequenting, in hospitality spaces, can easily assist them in improving their connections to nature. This is directly based upon feedback from customers during the herb Event at Chelsea College of Arts. Even those who may be opposed or disinterested in nature can feel the benefits of nature in the spaces. The applications of nature aim to be so innovative and novel that people will want to get engaged with them and subconsciously or resultantly they will feel the impacts of nature and may then hopefully seek out nature in the future.